Il Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali dell’Università Federico II di Napoli, insieme a Riot Studio, Societing 4.0 e Pidmed organizza il workshop Post Start-Up Cultures che si terrà:
Nel corso delle due giornate interverranno tra gli altri anche Adam Arvidsson, Carolina Bandinelli, Alberto Cossu, Alessandro Gandini e Alessandro Gerosa, tutti autori del nostro almanacco o amici cari e punti di riferimento fondamentali per le riflessioni che sviluppiamo.
Ecco il programma.
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20 Dec.
Post Start-Up Cultures
Location: Riot Studio, via San Biagio dei Librai, 39
2 pm
Post Start-Up Cultures, Adam Arvidsson, University of Naples, Federico II.
The Magic of Venture Capital. Valuing Start-Ups, Vincenzo Luise, University of Milan. Introduction to the discussion, Antonio Prigiobbo, NaStartUp.
3.30 pm
Coffee Break
4 pm
Love in the age of Tinder, Carolina Bandinelli, University of Lincoln
Nostalgia and digital capitalism, Alessandro Gandini, King’s College, London Discussion
6 pm
On the future of the digital economy. Skype interventions by Emaline Friedman, Holochain, Jerry Yang, Hardware Club, Charles Wan, John’s Hopkins’ University.
Introduction to the discussion: Amanda Jansen, QuiShare
8 pm
21 dec
Post Start-Up Cultures
Location: Department of social sciences, University of Naples, Federico II, vico Monte della Pietà 1, aula T3.
10 pm,
The rise of populist finance. Exploring discourses and practices of amateur cryptocurrency investors, Alberto Cossu, University of Amsterdam.
Food start-ups in Italy. The humble path to the creative economy, Alessandro Gerosa, University of Milan.
The affective commons of co-working, Julian Waters Lynch, RMIT University, Australia. discussion
colazione di lavoro
parallel sessions
coffee break
17 (Aula T-3)
Entering the Anthropocene
Posthuman Gaming: Video Games for the Post-Anthropocene, Paolo Ruffino, University of Lincoln
Comments by
Dario Minervini, University of Naples, Federico II
Jaromil Rojo